Sector File Creation Tools

Sector File Creation Tools

  • GND Maker
  • Sector Tools
  • Circle Plotter
  • Sector File Editor
  • IvAc Builder Designed for use with IVAO, but the tools work just fine for .sct2 files and has the polish that all of the other utilities lack.
  • SFBuild Can be used to extract VORs, NDBs, and FIXs within a region from the current AIRAC.
  • From within VRC: There's an undocumented mouse/keyboard combo in VRC that copies the mouse cursor coordinates into the clipboard ... hold down CTRL, ALT, SHIFT and double-right-click. You can control the format (either degrees.minutes.seconds or decimal degrees) with a checkbox in the general settings.
  • Ryan Null's Stuff:Main Page SFE SQL Generator

Casey's Tools:

Other Tools: